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Today Fm Sunday Business Show

As mentioned previous, this morning I was on Irelands Today Fm business radio show.

How did this all come about? The producer of the Business Show Myra had read my blog posts on getting paid and sent me this email last week.

I came across you blog from your web site and was wondering if you were interested in speaking with us re issues surrounding getting paid. It’s a common complaint at the moment and we were looking to do a broad piece on the general area of debt collection. We will look at the new small claims avenue, the debt collectors and the legal route. It would be great opportunity to get some air space for your self and I get the feeling you will be a comforting sound to many of our listeners.

After the show and when I returned home. I  received this email from Myra with some select listeners comments

Why don’t they do what they have in America; put a lein on their property or business?

The system is messed up. You start your own biz, maybe hire staff, and in the downturn you’re entitled to no financial assistance? How do you survive?

Why are self employed people entitled to nothing when their work dries up?

Stand outside their house with a big sign saying they’re not paying.

Good morning. I am self employed also in the agri industry. Now most people are very honest but I think it was just ‘fashionable’ to say I don’t have money. It’s really a case of they have it but wont part with it. Some of the clients I got hard to get money from I just took small amounts. It took longer but worked.

Many thanks to Myra and the entire team. It is really is an absolute pleasure to meet, from entering reception, to the host of the show and to the people behind the scenes, such nice people. 😉 Thank you.

To the very, very many of you who wished me all the best while I was on air via text/ twitter/ email and even those of you who tried to call me….. 😆 Thank you too. 🙂

*note: I say 3 figure sum in the clip. I actually meant 6.

*note also: yes some of my good friends do try and call me to say I can hear you on the radio…. while I am live on air. Everytime….. 😉

All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Today Fm Sunday 28 February 2010


This Sunday 28th February sometime after 10am, I’ll be a guest on the Today Fm Sunday Business Show. It’s not my first time on the radio, although it is my first on Today FM.

Happily Surprisingly, for some I won’t be on to talk about horticulture as such 😉

The show itself is described as offering…

the listener the latest financial and political news and interviews. Two highly experienced presenters host the show on alternate weeks, Ted Harding and Conall O’Morain

The show is also produced by Myra Hayes. Never heard the show before….? You can listen to podcasts here or have a browse through the Sunday Biz Show blog here.

Tune in manually [100 – 102 on the fm dial] or hit the Today Fm Website and click the listen button.

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All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

“green house effect” launches recycling awareness campaign

Official Press Release
Repak Recycling Week launched with Dunnes Stores “Green House Effect” Installation. • Week theme is “Recycle More and Recycle Better”. • Repak target 18,000 tonnes of used packaging or 1.6 million green bin collections over the month of October. • New Website launched. • 8th Annual Repak Recycling Awards take place Thursday 15th of October. • “Recycling Moments” Photo Competition Launched.
peter donegan & pippa o connor
peter donegan & pippa o connor

Irish Garden Designer Peter Donegan is helping launch this year’s Repak Recycling Week with a window display in Dunnes Stores on Georges Street, Dublin. The week long awareness campaign takes from the 12th-18th of October and features a series of initiatives to get the Irish public recycling better than ever.

The window display titled “Green House Effect” shows how recycling can impact on the environment and features a full size glass house with polystyrene flowers and trees, along with packaging elements that are traditionally not fully recycled. This focus of this year’s campaign “Recycle More – Recycle Better” is designed to educate people about the need to recycle from more rooms in the house and to properly clean out their recyclables. In addition materials that are not cleaned out could contaminate other recyclables making them difficult and more costly to recycle. Finally over 30% of a recycling/green bin’s capacity is being lost by people not squashing and compressing their recycling material.

This year the organization is hoping to reach a target of 18,000 tonnes of domestic used packaging for recycling or 1.6 million green bins over the month of October. This equates to a request that every household with green bins recycles on average 1.5 green bins or:
• 10 glass bottles
• 34 plastic bottles
• 5 beverage cartons and the equivalent of 63 cereal boxes
• 7 steel food cans and 9 aluminum cans

Dr. Andrew Hetherington, CEO Repak commenting on this campaign said “Ireland has done tremendously well in packaging recycling to date. Small changes in what and how people recycle can now make a big difference. Over 20,000 tonnes of waste put into green bins annually should not be there ranging from clothes to garden waste. The key to continuing the momentum of successful recycling in Ireland is the quality of materials. The higher grade the recyclables coupled with digging deeper into the household bin will help Ireland achieve higher packaging recycling targets.”

peter donegan with pippa o'connor

Over the course of the week Repak will also:
• Launch a new consumer focused website featuring multimedia and social media photos, videos, hints, tricks, posters, blog posts and tips for recycling in the Home, Office and School.
• Distribute posters and leaflets detailing common packaging items (often forgotten) that can be recycled to local libraries and colleges running recycling events.
• Produced and distribute leaflets in conjunction with Local Authorities and private contractors to educate people on how to recycle more and recycle better through their existing green bins.
• Feature new videos, pictures, competitions on Bebo, Facebook, YouTube, and updates on Twitter.
• Launch of “Recycling Moments” photo competition. Public invited to email colourful photos showing recycling to Photos will be uploaded to and winners announced on
• Announce the winners of the 8th Annual Repak Awards which takes place on Thursday the 15th of October in Croke Park, Dublin. The lunchtime awards recognise the efforts and ingenuity of its Industry Members, Local Authorities and Collectors in the area of packaging prevention, reuse and recycling.
• Major radio and on line advertising awareness campaign.
• Organise schools colouring competition and class activity program for the week.

The “Green House Effect” display features a full size glass house with specific items of packaging to highlight their recyclability. The material includes plastic wrap, aluminum take away trays, pizza boxes and steel food cans.

Dunnes Stores are long standing members of Repak contributing towards the recovery and recycling of the packaging they supply to their customers. Through participating members, Repak last year raised €29.5 million in Packaging levies to support packaging recycling in Ireland. The total amount recovered/recycled in 2008 was 713,000 tonnes up 9.5% from the previous year.

All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

IIA net visionary awards…


Tonight the Irish Internet Association Net Visionary Awards 2009 take place.

I have been shortlisted.

For me that is huge. In fact when I first heard, this is what I thought [click here]. But… I am a horticuluralist. And this is why I blog. *Anything* that comes after that is an added bonus 🙂 If it where a garden…. I may think different. For the moment I’m just happy to be on a list.

And just look at the others shortlisted…. I still don’t know how I even got there…..

Aedan Ryan:
Damien Mulley: Mulley Communications
Kieran Murphy: Murphy’s Ice Cream
Maryrose Lyons: Brightspark Consulting
Peter Donegan: Peter Donegan Landscaping

That said, for no apparent reason, I won’t be able to attend tonights function. But for whoever you are out there that did nominate, shortlist, or however it works, get me to the last five… thank you. It really is [more than you realise] an absolute honour. Have a great night and in advance congratulations to you all.

And don’t forget it is not a black tie event…. 😆

UPDATE: 21st May ’09:

huge congratulations to damien mulley and mulley communications for winning this award. Bulaidh bós mór Damien.

All award winners can be viewed at the Irish Internet Associations website

All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Dublin Garden Design Awards

This weeks [febraury 17th 2009] saw The Fingal Independent give Donegan Landscaping a very much appreciated, nice little mention.

A massive ‘Thank you very much’ must go to Robin Kielywho has [pardon the pun] literally been with me from the very start almost 9 years ago now.

It was of course to note the Bord Bia Quality Award we receieved last week and also a little mention of our new website.

peter donegan garden design award ireland