All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design

Landscaping Dublin: Brackenstown House, Gardens 2007

brackenstown house

In 2007, the 27 acre estate gardens of Brackenstown House won 2 awards at National competition. The gardens designs, though they were intended to start some 300 years ago had, history states and shows, never been completed, until that is 2007.

The two awards, an Award of Merit for Best Private Garden Landscaping and also for Best Overall Maintenance were awarded to Peter Donegan Landscaping Ltd for works completed and to Peter Donegan as the gardens Designer.

In submitting the garden for award an A3 size bound presentation was submitted showing a history to the landscaping that took place to get the grounds to where and what the judging panel were now looking at and judging. Of note, the grounds had matured by the time judging took place. The photographs shown are all of works nearly (intentionally so) complete.

At the time, technology was not what it is now and I guess the alternate is to leave the ‘gardens’ history sitting in a filing cabinet. It may more importantly prove of benefit to someone else in researching gardens of the 17th and 18th century. Something that I and others only know too well is very difficult to find indepth readings of.

I have tried to keep the presentations layout as best as possible online, similar to that that I submitted at the time. What is not included here are and hundreds upon hundreds of photographs; and my drawings and plant legends. The latter for no apparent reason apart from they are very, very large and I don’t own a scanner of that size. This is but, the presentation.

At the time of designing, [again] the internet was not what it is now. And as the gardens designs were never completed, there logically is very little of note on them. That said to the history of the house I owe much thanks to Finola and Turtle.

You can view more information and phtographs of Brackenstown Gardens taken after the awards. I have also added some images in at the very bottom below, including the kitchen gardens handmade central pavilion (sometimes known as a gazebo), the final piece in the jigsaw outside of the planting and the changing of the sunken gardens pond sculpt, I felt.

Of Brackenstown, the awarding judges noted that:

the work illustrates a consisted commitment to horticultural excellence in a restoration project that requires a keen understanding of the client’s requirements. The herbaceous beds in particular deserve special acclamation for their restrained but inventive interplay between colour and foliage texture.

And of the second award, that the award goes to this project because the judges believe it:

demonstrates a discernible excellence in maintenance.



All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design

Bespoke 17th Century Gazebo

brackenstown gardens file - peter donegan landscaping

Recently the gardens of Brackenstown got the ‘peace de resistance’ that [in my heart] it so much deserved. The gazebo was installed 2 weeks ago in the centre of the tranquility garden after almost eight months since it was first considered. The funny thing I suppose was that within three days it was fitted, installed and painted as if it had been there all its life. When it is found difficult to believe that the life of the structure is one of such youth, I suppose it could be said that the job has been done and done extremely well. It is bespoke, the only one in the world and hand made, the old style way.

Credit when taking on a project like this must go primarily to ‘any’ client who has that ‘je ne sais quoi’ and forward vision to trust in a designer to bring something like this to fruition. I shall rephrase, when one does not know what the final outcome will be [obviously] and one has never seen ‘one’ before, it can be, difficult if you chose; only in the sense that if you are a ‘I need to see it first’ kind of person. If not, bespoke features for a garden are one off, special, specific, of true splendour and yours [and yours only].

All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Brackenstowns gardens & the sculpt exhibition

The award winning gardens of Brackenstown have hit the big screen. The gardens open for two weeks only for the Mid summer sculpt exhibition and this is one not to be missed. Tickets are limited and must be booked in advance through Gormleys Fine Art. Oliver is right, ‘what a setting’!

All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design

Judges Comments On The Garden Maintenance Award

herbaceous borders

I received the Judges comments on the recent award winning garden today.

They said for exemplary standard of landscaping the judges’ commented on the Private Garden Landscaping [award of merit] & the Private Garden Maintenance [overall winning garden]

the work illustrates a consisted commitment to horticultural excellence in a restoration project that requires a keen understanding of the client’s requirements. The herbaceous beds in particular deserve special acclamation for their restrained but inventive interplay between colour and foliage texture.

Commenting further on Brackenstown House Estate the judges’ noted the award goes to this project because the judges…

…believe it demonstrates a discernible excellence in maintenance.

donegan gardens

All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design

Garden Design Awards For Brackenstown House

Peter Donegan Landscaping, Brackenstown House

October 18th 2007 saw Peter Donegan Landscaping Ltd win two  national landscaping awards as both designer and contractor.

Donegan Landscaping won the award of Merit in the Best Private Garden Category and the Overall Award for Best Private Garden Maintenance, whilst  Peter Donegan received award as designer of Veronica and Paddy Campbells 27 acre 17th Century estate.

Speaking after receiving the award Peter noted that ‘the awards forBrackenstown will remain one of the the highlights of my career for personal reasons as well as horticultural.’ He continued, ‘I described it recently to a friend of mine as 16th century poetry and as it’s being read to you, you amost feel the poets breath in your ear as he speaks words from his heart…. Some people feel it. I know I did and I loved every minute. Of all the gardens I ever visited, this is one I acually visit to escape my mind. Also until now the landscape was never completed and at 31 years old my design and The Donegan Landscaping team are the first to be acknowledged and awarded for this. It is an amazing place and for me one that will remain close to my heart.’

The judges noted that:

the work illustrates a consisted commitment to horticultural excellence in a restoration project that requires a keen understanding of the client’s requirements. The herbaceous beds in particular deserve special acclamation for their restrained but inventive interplay between colour and foliage texture.

And that the award goes to this project because the judges believe it:

demonstrates a discernible excellence in maintenance.