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Cape Garden Centre, Cape Town, South Africa

cape-garden-centre-cape town

Whilst building the garden in the Wallacedene Township in South Africa, I would first like to note that I was a part of a team. A very large team. And I simply played a part.

To that there where so many really good people I met out there. One in particular was a really good guy Peter and not forgetting his foreman Garreth.

Btw Peter insisted he take this photograph of me… 😆

Back to it… Peter owns The Cape Garden Centre that I passed on my way everyday to work. On the final day of the build plants whilst laying out plants and running back with Garreth to get some more I got about 20 minutes to take a look around his place whilst waiting for plants to be loaded.

I had spoken to Garreth and Peter abut the operations and working side but…. To say I was blown away by his setup, the garden centres layout, the displays, the restaurant, the list is endless…. is an understatement. As my first ever garden centre review I am so proud that this is first on the list.


Peter spoke to me about how they used what was the bark from a [weed] tree that needed clearing from the land to make what we know as willow like screening and features for the garden.

I noticed how no member of the public was left unattended and at all times there was a staff member nearby ready to help or give advice.

The door of their design studios were open for all to see into. Being really honest the people, the customers seemed really happy. It had a very feel good feel about… I sat down at one point for about five minutes and watched the people stroll by… It was phenomenal. And to think that in the midst of all of the mayhem that was happening not so far away, that I had left for just a moment… even I was beginning to relax… then Garreth bipped the horn on the bakkie [open back jeep/ truck] and it was back to it 😉

I loved the family areas, the play areas, the pet area, the garden displays…. [breath] the fact that almost any variety of plant could be seen in a setting or at the varying stages of growth and moreseo that it was for sale in abundance at any of those sizes. There wasn’t a hair out of place… Throw in the individual craft and art shops and the indoor and outdoor furniture places… it was like a little village with too much to do. I loved every second of it.

I’ll be reviewing in the next days some of the plants you may know, you may have seen or may not have that are more common to the Cape Town climate…



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All Posts Garden Talks and Events with Peter Donegan

Urban Garden brightens up Smithfield

The previous article may explain why I got involved in urban garden [click here for previous article] … but I think you’ll find Mary Wier of [and] Dublin City Council organised a day that held in store a lot more than just a good looking horticulturist […that’d be me by the way]. The day really did make a difference.

We do need to make an effort to green up ‘our’ spaces.

I hope you enjoyed it and more importantly I hope ‘you’ took something home with you from the day [apart from a big smile] that will help you green up ‘your’ space.

All Posts Garden Talks and Events with Peter Donegan

Urban Garden Smithfield 2008

cows in a field - its not exactly smithfield, anymoreI’m not really one for press releases to be honest but this is worthwhile. The next time your in Smithfield, count the amount of plants, trees or even windowboxes you see? Well some-body is trying to do somehing to change that for the better and dublin City Council deserve applause for it! Not just because i’m involved. I only got involved because I believe something needs to change and this spot is just one of millions of ‘building zones’ with little else but blocks… and more blocks!

Free stuff, markets, inspiration, people smiling, music, dancing and a whole bae of other stuff to brighten up your day – come on! and no there’s no cattle being sold.

Where? Smithfield Plaza

When? Saturday July 12th 2008 12.00 – 6.00pm

And here’s the press release bit:

Dublin City Council as part of their SUMMER IN DUBLIN programme of events are delighted to welcome back URBAN GARDEN to Smithfield. Following on the success of last year’s event Smithfield plaza will become a colourful animated civic space with urban gardening demonstrations, live performances including Barren Carousel’s Aerial Act, dancing butterflies, and talking flowers as well as Australian environmentalist Dale Treadwell’s ‘Life In Your Garden’ workshop.

The innovative, award winning landscape architect Peter Donegan will preside over gardening demonstrations throughout the afternoon sharing his thoughts and ideas on how to get the best out of our urban spaces including using quirky recycling household objects!

Dublin City Council’s Biodiversity Officer, Mairead Stack will also host informative and interactive workshops outlining how we can attract wildlife to our urban spaces and why bats play an important part in preserving the environment.

URBAN GARDEN is inspired by the changing face of our capital – where apartment living is becoming the norm URBAN GARDEN in association with Dublin City Council aims to add colour to outdoor spaces, engage communities and encourage people of all ages to start planting particularly in urban areas!

Smithfield will once again play host to this event as it has a tradition of markets and over recent years has gone through a dramatic urban renaissance. The event is free to members of the public.

“A great example of how a public event at Smithfield can add colour and fun and festivity. More please!!!” – (Urban Garden 2007)

For further information on URBAN GARDEN contact Grainne on 087 2846976.
For further information on SUMMER IN DUBLIN check out the Dublin City Council website

All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design

the pink boats berth-day bloom 2008[9]

the video…

All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design

pink! giving berth at bloom 2008 [7]

Award winning landscape architect, Peter Donegan, is at it again. This year his show garden ‘Pour L‘amour de Jeux’ (For a love of the game) in Bloom 2008 will feature a 1957, 11 metre, pink, three storey pleasure cruise boat!

Building on the success of ‘No Rubber Soul’ his award winning large show garden in Bloom 2007 where he featured a 1965 Morris Minor, split in two, no less, Peter decided to go bigger and brighter for Bloom 2008 and prove that dreams do really come true and if you put your mind to it you can do anything.

Peter’s mind will certainly need to be focused on the morning of May 8th as the pink, 3 storey, 11 metre long, 3.5 metre high pleasure cruise boat sets sail from Ballyboughal onto the M1, M50 and into the Phoenix Park where it will be berthed for the duration of Bloom 2008.

Peter Donegan Landscaping Ltd was set up just eight years ago and in October 2007 Peter was presented with two national awards by the ALCI (Association of Landscape Contractors of Ireland) and most recently received the National Amenity Quality Award in recognition of standards achieved under the Bord Bia Landscape Quality Programme.

Photo Opportunity

Event: Bright Pink, 11 metre pleasure cruise ship prepares to berth in bloom 2008
Route: Ballyboughal, M1, M50, Castleknock Gate, Phoenix Park
Date: 8th May 2008
UPDATE: TIME: 4am – 6pm [no later due to traffic/ OPW] departure and arrival

Photo Opportunity

A 1957, 11 metre long, bright pink, pleasure cruiser shall sail down the M1 and M50 on May 8th heading for its berth place at Bloom 2008 in the Phoenix Park. The imaginative, award winning, landscape architect, Peter Donegan has designed a large show garden including the boat for this year’s event entitled ‘Pour L’amour de Jeux’ (For the Love of the Game).

The three storey, pink, 11 metre long, 6 metre high pleasure boat will cruise from Ballyboughal, onto the M1, M50, Castleknock entrance into the Phoenix Park where it shall take up residence until the end of Bloom 2008.

Peter’s large show garden in Bloom 2007, ‘No Rubber Soul’ received a Silver Medal and featured a 1965 Morris Minor.

Contact Peter on 01 8078712