All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design

Dublin Landscaping: Natural Sandstone and Granite Cobble Patio

sandstone granite patio (2)

I’ve always said that there’s a big difference between owning a lovely house and having a lovely home. In the context of this patio it was so perfectly well thought out that it’s addition to the rear of the house very simply extended that homely feel by another 15 square metres.

Measuring 3 by 5, it is large enough to cater for a full on Donegan sized family gathering (I have 7 siblings) without looking like just another big patio area of stone. What’s more, and though it is kind of hard to put into words…. in this case it very simply, fits.

What makes it for me [?],

All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design

Patio Choices: Black Limestone

black limestone naturalAlbeit used in a totally different context, I had noted this stone before when I used it on another garden project. Fair to say, I really, really like this one. What I had noticed however was that the stock images used by the stone companies all [generally] tend to show it with a high gloss finish. Like a new car in a show room. And really they should show you the images with ice cream and crisps and wailing kids squished in the back seats bawling whilst you are stuck in traffic; or something like that.