All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design

Patio Paving: Grey Limestone

grey limestone, paving steps

There’s a point in good, tasty well thought out gardens where not everything can be shiny. It can, of course. But it shouldn’t be, really. In context, imagine if you will an entire garden space coloured in yellow, or gold; I mean the entire garden, wall to wall. And what you should picture is a pretty pointless area when you close your eyes and really think about it. Not pointless. More monotonous; or mono-tone, if you will.

In this case or in that contrasting department, the natural grey limestone paving is an absolute cracker. Because a little like the use of red in garden design in order to highlight something [ref here: alongside green in Japanese styled gardens], one needs a contrast in colour; An extreme case of which may include the use of yellow on black.

grey limestone paving

I love the fact that just like it’s sister, the black limestone, the grey has that naturally furled ruffle to its surface and that there is a touch of esque like the stone masons of old where I’m almost choice lifting one piece out and replacing it with another, solely because the finish of one is kind of similar to a neighbouring slab.

All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design

Patio Choices: Black Limestone

black limestone naturalAlbeit used in a totally different context, I had noted this stone before when I used it on another garden project. Fair to say, I really, really like this one. What I had noticed however was that the stock images used by the stone companies all [generally] tend to show it with a high gloss finish. Like a new car in a show room. And really they should show you the images with ice cream and crisps and wailing kids squished in the back seats bawling whilst you are stuck in traffic; or something like that.