All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Radio Interview: Garden Designer Peter Donegan, Represents Ireland in France

Above (press play), speaking with award winning radio show host Gerry Kelly on The Late Lunch, LMFM.

Peter was speaking with Gerry about the design and build of the garden of peace at Chateau de Peronne, better known to some as the Historial de la Grande Guerre, home to the largest World War Museum in Europe.

Peter was one of 9 international garden designers selected, in this case to represent Ireland, by a French jury to design and realise a garden in the moat of the Chateau some 30′ below street level. The WW1 memorial garden on the theme of peace will be completed and launch this October 2018. 

All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Courrier Picard: Jardin, Historial de la Grande Guerre, Péronne

Peter Donnegan (Donegan) in front of the garden plan that will be erected at the foot of the castle. We guess the location of the 4 towers and the bridge.

As reported in the French newspaper, Courrier Picard,

For you, like me who has not the greatest abilities to translate, below a not perfect but enough to understand what was reported.

A Garden of peace at the foot of the Historial de Péronne, at the beginning.

The moats of the castle of Péronne will soon welcome a garden of peace on the theme of Ireland.

By The Picard Courier | Posted on 09/07/2018

All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design

Design: Gardens of Peace, Péronne, France

Launching October 2018, this summer will commence the build of the Jardins de la Paix (Gardens of Peace), a series of perennial gardens on the theme of peace in the Hauts-de-France region that will pay tribute to the countless deaths on French soil between 1914 and 1918, and bear witness to the number and diversity of the countries involved in this conflict.

Update: 9th November 2018 – 
Garden Complete: Jardin, Historial de la Grande Guerre

One of the gardens will be created at the Chateau de Perrone, Historial de la Grande Guerre in the Somme region of Northern France and will be created in the moat of the castle and its build realised by Dublin based garden designer Peter Donegan.

Peter Donegan, selected by the French jury to represent Ireland is one of just 14 international garden designers chosen to create one of the 9 gardens.

Below, a short video of where the garden will be created.