All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design

Research: Garden of Peace Péronne, Somme, France

I’m due to speak at The Landscape Show, London September 2018 alongside Andrew Fisher Tomlin about the realisation of the Jardin de la Paix – a series of Peace Gardens in Northern France to commemorate the end of World War 1.

The following is a little more on my being selected to represent Ireland, the realising of the garden in the moat of the Historial de la Grande Guerre (Chateau de Péronne), a little behind the scenes and so I and you post my talk in Battersea Park better understand the behind the scenes of the gardens final design.

All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Courrier Picard: Jardin, Historial de la Grande Guerre, Péronne

Peter Donnegan (Donegan) in front of the garden plan that will be erected at the foot of the castle. We guess the location of the 4 towers and the bridge.

As reported in the French newspaper, Courrier Picard,

For you, like me who has not the greatest abilities to translate, below a not perfect but enough to understand what was reported.

A Garden of peace at the foot of the Historial de Péronne, at the beginning.

The moats of the castle of Péronne will soon welcome a garden of peace on the theme of Ireland.

By The Picard Courier | Posted on 09/07/2018