All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Shortlisted: Best Blog Of A Business, 2013

best blog Social Media awards 2013

It’s not the first time I’ve been up for stuff like this and though I’ve never won anything shiny, it is always nice to know that my Mam someone out there likes this garden blog which began wahaaaaaay back in 2007.

Official quote from Peter on being shortlisted for the Social Media Awards:

it’s always nice to make the Irish squad

Moving straight on, I was noted alongside some pretty sooper dooper other Irish biz folks that are listed below. Also, a big hat tip and fair play to the category sponsors .ME Registry for dipping their hand in the honey jar.

All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Bloom Inspiring Gardens Book

bloom book, car donegan

I was in Easons, the book shop in The Pavillions Shopping Centre in Swords over the weekend. Beeline for the gardening section, as you do and browsing the shelves I spotted a new to me addition, the Bloom Inspiring Gardens Book.

Slap bang somewhere in there is the above image, a garden I won award for the design and build of waaaaaaay back in 2007.  Always nice to see ones name in lights, it is the first time I have seen the book. And though I do not own a copy, I think it looks quite good over the 2 pages.

The photographs including the [original of the] above were taken by Maura Hickey.

All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Best Blog of An SME – Finalist

blog awards ireland

Nice to hear that this oul’ blog of mine [almost a Rod Stewart song there…? ] has made to the last few for the Best Blog of an SME. In the mix also are a host of absolute whoppers that I’m pretty honoured to be sitting next to [see below]. The taking part and all that jazz, to you who read here, thank you. You make me smile. See 😀

On a slight side note The Sodshow, that garden radio podcast thing I do is down to the last 3 for best podcast. Thanks for that too. I’m walking around with a big happy head on me. 🙂

All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Blanchardstown Gazette – May 10, 2012

garden speaker, peter donegan

On Thursday May 3rd I did a garden talk and demonstration at the very wonderful Huntstown Community Centre.

I’ve noted previously just how brilliant and amazing everyone is and was in Huntstown C.C. and I’m smiling now at the fact that three of the many [also smiling] lovely folks I met on the night Sharon, Síle and Bernie are pictured with me above and now noted in the annals of my weblog.

Image courtesy Blanchardstown Gazette and you can find more info on Huntstown Commuity Centre by contacting Manager Bernie Kennefick. I highly recommend you do 😉

  • Address: Huntstown, Dublin 15
  • Web:
  • email:

Enquiries for garden talks, garden speaking and/ or gardening demonstrations ?

All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

On The Radio: Breakfast With Hector on 2fm

breakfast with hector 2fm radio

Wednesday 25th April, that’s today, I’ll be on the radio chatting gardens with Hector.

The show kicks off from 7am and you can listen online via or @ 90-92 on the FM (I must g00gle what that [fm] stands for).

I’ll tidy this post up a little better later and do the Oscar nomination thank you to a few folks who were just lovely. In the meantime, if you’re not already a fan, of the show, tune in and have a listen. 😉


Big thanks to Alan Swan, Hector and the 2fm team. Also to Darragh Doyle, Pat O’Mahony, Eileen McCabe, Brian Greene, Odhran Ducie and Luke Giblin. This noting entitles you to a (singular) lovely cup of tea 😉