All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Donegan Landscaping: Irish Web Awards Semi – Finalist 2014

best website sme, web awards 2014

Delighted to note that Donegan Landscaping is a semi-finalist for the 2014 Realex Fire sponsored Irish Web Awards in the category of Best Website of a Small SME.

To all of the I love you more lovely folks that I’ve bartered for plants and landscaping to make this website good looking and 21st century up to date – I studied horticulture and I still don’t know what HTML stands for; this is all your hard work. And it is very much appreciated.

Official quote on being up there with the best of them:

it’s always nice to make the Irish Squad


In the mix are some pretty deadly other Irish sites and co’s that are more than worth a browse through.

All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Peter Donegan Talks With at Clare Garden Festival 2014

Peter Donegan never shuts up about gardening. It’s his business, of course, but that’s not enough for him.

If he’s not gardening, he’s blogging about gardening. And if that wasn’t enough he started a podcast with Brian Greene, that turned into a radio show: The Sodshow on Dublin City FM.

Now, people who should know better have begun inviting him to speak at gardening events all over the country. 😉 caught up with him recently at The Clare Garden Festival in Ennis.

And that’s the intro I got from Conn O’ Muineachain this week on Blacknight’s blog. Of note maybe, myself and Conn met the day before I was due to speak at Clare Garden Festival back in April this year.

You can read the full posting over at

As a by the way, that’s me pictured with Conn below. He’s the one on the right. 😉

peter donegan, conn omuineachain,

All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Sean O’Rourke Show. Radio 1, RTE

It’s no big secret that I am a mahooosive fan of the great outdoors, tree hugging, planting them or pretty much being just damn near enough to them. A horticulturist with a passion for the great outdoors, as RTE chose to much better than I could, word it.

That in mind I was on chatting with the gentleman that is Sean O’Rourke last week. By his side was also Conor Pope and cillian Barry. Sean’s show airs midweek daily from 10am on RTE Radio 1.

The image below used in RTE’s show notes as a by the way, was first used in a post I wrote June 2011 when I was staying by the ever so very beautiful Lough Ennell. A fntastTake a listen above; and enjoy 😉

rte, sean orourke show, donegan

All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Peter Donegan Writes Self Build Magazine

garden article, peter donegan, landscaping

I sometimes forget to note some of the things I do that are not ‘garden making’. And but for this lovely wee note and a copy of the latest edition in the post, I guess I may just have missed my involvement in the latest Summer 2014 Edition of the Self Build and Improve Your Home Magazine and an article on Garden Design.

Available to buy in all good book stores priced £3.50/ €3.75, it also features writing from fellow Irish horticulture heads Ian Price and Fiann O’Nuallain.

Of note if you fancy something to go with your cuppa, the previous article I was involved in from the Spring 2014 edition is now available online to read.

Further information:

All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Best Great Outdoors Blog – Finalist

I very honestly don’t believe I’ll ever win a shiny thing for this blog. That’s not some tale of woe played to a backdrop of violin soundings. More, it’s always been there, there abouts since I started writing it way back in 2007.

The thing is this landscaping blog really isn’t a blog, for blogging sake. It’s more what I do that is related to the business that is Peter Donegan the horticulturist, great outdoors lover etc and/ or Donegan Landscaping and the gardens I make. And I think it’s better for all concerned I stick to what I am best at.

In short, if I am busy outside, or there’s been snow for an elongated period of time, I may not or indeed I may have some time to put some notes and images up here.

Nonetheless, it is very much an honour to be noted up there with the very best of them. And it did make me smile. I like smiling. 😀 And thanks you for reading. And for being very lovely.

Official quote on making the final cut:

Always great to make the Irish squad