All Posts Garden Talks and Events with Peter Donegan

Horticulture Guest Lecture. Colaiste Dhulaigh

colaiste dhulaigh

It was a real honour to be asked to be Guest Lecturer to the horticultural students at Coláiste Dhúlaigh, Dublin today. It seems I can indeed talk for more than 3 hours without breathing.

On a serious note, to you gentlemen and lady [singular], who listened, asked and engaged whilst I noted random thoughts from my head via my vocal chords, may I thank you so very much for being genuinely so very lovely.

Also and of note to head don Sarjit Verik, who made sure I got there and welcomed me with a big beaming smile, thank you too. It was a real honour.

To that, some bits and bobs I noted today:

The rest of it, you’ll be able to find here relatively easily. Apart from my noting that Elvis never fried an egg wearing that big white suit.

Best for now and chat soon,

jane powers living garden, peter donegan