As mentioned previous, this morning I was on Irelands Today Fm business radio show.
How did this all come about? The producer of the Business Show Myra had read my blog posts on getting paid and sent me this email last week.
I came across you blog from your web site and was wondering if you were interested in speaking with us re issues surrounding getting paid. It’s a common complaint at the moment and we were looking to do a broad piece on the general area of debt collection. We will look at the new small claims avenue, the debt collectors and the legal route. It would be great opportunity to get some air space for your self and I get the feeling you will be a comforting sound to many of our listeners.
After the show and when I returned home. I received this email from Myra with some select listeners comments
Why don’t they do what they have in America; put a lein on their property or business?
The system is messed up. You start your own biz, maybe hire staff, and in the downturn you’re entitled to no financial assistance? How do you survive?
Why are self employed people entitled to nothing when their work dries up?
Stand outside their house with a big sign saying they’re not paying.
Good morning. I am self employed also in the agri industry. Now most people are very honest but I think it was just ‘fashionable’ to say I don’t have money. It’s really a case of they have it but wont part with it. Some of the clients I got hard to get money from I just took small amounts. It took longer but worked.
Many thanks to Myra and the entire team. It is really is an absolute pleasure to meet, from entering reception, to the host of the show and to the people behind the scenes, such nice people. Thank you.
To the very, very many of you who wished me all the best while I was on air via text/ twitter/ email and even those of you who tried to call me….. Thank you too.
*note: I say 3 figure sum in the clip. I actually meant 6.
*note also: yes some of my good friends do try and call me to say I can hear you on the radio…. while I am live on air. Everytime…..