All Posts Garden Talks and Events with Peter Donegan

Speaking: Royal Horticultural Society of Ireland, RHSI Garden Show 2019

peter donegan, rhsi garden talks



I will be hosting The Talks Stage at The RHSI Garden Show 2019 and will also be amongst the list of extremely talented speakers.

Further details……

All Posts Garden Talks and Events with Peter Donegan

Garden Talk: Peter Donegan, Clontarf Gardening Society

peter donegan landscapingOn Thursday October 27th I will be giving a talk to Clontarf Gardening Society.

The talk will be titled Getting Ready For Spring and should last about 45 minutes leaving room for Q & A’s at the end.

And as all good gardeners know, if you are not ready for spring – summer will be pretty boring.

I spoke with Joe Kelch who told me that it will be be great craic altogether. I was very pleased to hear that.

I’m already aware of the team at Clontarf and as Gardening folk go, you simply couldn’t pick finer. This talk is one I am really looking forward to.

  • Speaker: Peter Donegan
  • When: Thursday 27th October @ 8pm
  • Where: St. John’s Parish Centre, Seafield Road, Clontarf
  • Cost: members €3/ non-members €4 – cost includes refreshments

As membership of clubs go – the current charge for Clontarf G.S. is €15 per annum and they meet on the last Thursday of every month at the venue. Highly recommended.