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what to do with that old dead tree…

I had seen this somewhere before… anyhow. If you are bored & need a little….

there ye are luv, sure that looks grand now… wha’ ?

….a little perking up, so to speak then this is for you. If the tree is dead, painting it a *wild* colour does 3 things….

  • it saves you the cost & time of cutting it down
  • uses up some of that old paint in the shed
  • most important –  it really does makes people smile

Just make sure and use an outdoor paint for wood…. that’s what trees are made of & and if you don’t like it after you paint it you can always chop it down ….. Go on go wild this weekend… you know you want to 😆

ps: i waited ’til her indoors was gone to do the shopping and put the music up quite loud….. great fun…. while it lasted!!

oooh almost forgot….. eh? this….. click it!!Reblog this post [with Zemanta]