All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Interview: Peter Donegan Garden Design France 90.9 KRCL Radio Salt Lake City

KRCL 90.9 Salt Lake City garden design france

Friday 8th July 2022: It was my absolute honour once again to be back on Salt Lake City‘s finest radio station KRCL 90.9 with Lara Jones and Aldine Strichnine chatting specifically my second garden design to be inaugurated at the 13th Century castle in the Somme region of Northern France, Péronne.

RadioActive · July 8, 2022
All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Hygeia Nature Safe Launches at Bord Bia Bloom 2022

It was my absolute pleasure to return to Bord Bia Bloom 2022 with Hygeia Garden Care and alongside the Nature Safe team help launch their first time at Ireland’s premier garden festival alongside the very wonderful Rachel Purcell.

Further information:

All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Chadwicks Under Construction Podcast, Outdoor Living with Peter Donegan

It was a real pleasure to be invited to speak with Aidan and Pat, hosts of the Chadwicks Under Construction Podcast and to chat some of the more not difficult but different and challenging designs I have come up with.

Whilst the above video is but the teaser it’s more than worth a listen to the full episode. You can catch it here below or listen to it via your favourite podcast player.

All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design Peter Donegan in the Media

DIY SOS Ireland, RTE Television. Series 2, Waterford Episode 4

DIY SOS Ireland, RTE Television. Series 2, Waterford Episode.

This was the garden I designed and realised alongside a bizillion miracles and angels, as one part of an amazing build team and you, who made the magic really real.

From DIY SOS Ireland:

All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design Peter Donegan in the Media

DIY SOS Ireland, RTE Television. Series 2, Episode 3 Longwood, Co Meath

DIY SOS Ireland, RTE Television. Series 2, Episode Longwood, Co Meath.

This was the garden I designed and realised alongside a bizillion miracles and angels, as one part of an amazing build team and you, who made the magic really real.

From DIY SOS Ireland: