Peter Donegan MSGD pictured with fellow Royal Windsor Flower Show judge Alan Titchmarsh MBE and honorary President (left of picture) at the 116th Royal Windsor Flower Show 2023.
The completely beautiful 116th Royal Windsor Flower Show and my return to judging there takes place Saturday 10th June 2023 at Windsor Great Park.

The 130 year old Royal Windsor Rose and Horticultural Society was founded by Queen Victoria in 1892 and with Her Majesty The Queen as patron, the Royal Windsor Rose & Horticultural Society has had the honour of six monarchs’ support over its long and distinguished history.
Today the charity is run entirely by a team of passionate volunteers and since Alan Titchmarsh has become Honorary President.
With talks by Rosemary Hardy of Hardy’s Cottage Garden Plants and Alan Titchmarsh, gardens by the completely talented Landform plants by Harkness Roses & Plantagogo Heucheras (to name but a few), all exquisitely managed by Alexandra Denman and wrapped into 1 day that makes my heart as giddy now about horticulture as I was when I started growing aged but 6.
Pictured below Sophie Countess of Wessex alongside garden designer Peter Donegan Judge at the 115th Royal Windsor Flower Show.