It had been organised to tweet meet-up at the pink boat at the stradbally festival. And it happened. Myself, Maryrose, David, Frankiep, Ciara, Debbie and some extra added friends joined to kick off the celebrations.
The boat joining the picnic really started online via Rick and it was very appropriate that its new berth was celebrated by some of those who [online] had been involved along the way.
Of course it has a home for life now and to all [you know who you are] I thank you – from my heart.
This is a gardening weblog of course. And the deal has always been if its greenie or related to my business it goes in. So I wont do a review of The amazing Stunning or The Sex Pistols. But, to say I was proud, was an understatement. I was also so very honoured that this could be shared with others in my life. To those who I met at The Picnic, who sang, laughed and shared time with – thank you all. It was an honour.
Now all thats left to do I suppose is walk away….