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mustard – seed, grow, crop, eat

peter donegan garden advice growing mustard seeds

I found it really hard to find information of any substance or at all in any books on this plant.

But, if ever you wished to go green really quickly this is the plant for you. I chose white mustard. Instructions say it can be grown on tissue paper! it is that easy. I planted the seeds a different way [no particular reason, partly why there are so many books on gardening I suppose…] then planted outside.

Some say crop the plant just before flowering, the instructions say when its 2″ tall? I say whatever makes you happy. Why? Because, again, the varying schools of thought suggest that the taller the plant the stronger the taste…

Now it is all cropped? Chop it. Eat it. Next time I can grow it to my own specific taste. My tip. Sow a little [about ten seeds] every two weeks and keep the crop turning over.

mustard white seed plant crop peter donegan
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free!! allium sativum

Also known as Garlic, these cloves [fresh] from China I bought in Superquinn!! Carbon footprint my tusche. The builders have destroyed my crop so I needed a fresh batch to grow from. I was surprised to discover their origin but these will be planted & not used for cooking.

To grow: Split the cloves. Plant 2″ down & 4″ apart. Plant now and lift at the end of summer when the leaves die off [as you would with most bulbs]. Let them dry and/ or replant. Free garlic!

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Hamamelis x intermedia

Walking through the nurseries today selecting trees for a garden we are creating at the moment when I stumbled upon this little beauty flowering on its bare stems. Most of the trees I needed are in bud at present, but not in leaf and definitely theres rare, if any oportunity to see flower. Next time your buying plants spare a thought for the witch hazel and put one in your garden.

In a [plant] world gone mad it made my day even brighter than it always is !

UPDATE: 16th feb 2010

not x intermedia but wonderful and beautiful nonetheless 😉

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trees – how to plant [2]

tree planting
tree planting

I’m told [verbally] that the last post on trees, although more technical and informative, is a little on the long side [thanks Aido]. For those of who just want to know how to simply plant a tree, or tell ‘a council’ they’ve done it all wrong – this ones especially for you!  enjoy

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