All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design

a recycled show garden…

Remember this post about the smithfield festival….?

Here’s what they said:
In association with the [] rediscovery centre ballymun and waste management, dublin city council, award winning landscape designer peter donegan returns to smithfield aiming to create a small urban garden of sorts filled with nothing but what could have been thrown out and free to take including washing machines, cookers, satellite dishes and basically anything else he can lay his hands on! from landfills and repairs to greens and growing and from throw away useless to a simple bit of that’ll do just fine.

Here’s what happens in one day. In Dublin City Centre. When one has one day to put a show garden together…..

The beauty about this garden is that the plants will be split 3 ways and donated to 2 local community garden groups in smithfield and also in ballymun. Thanks once again to Pat Fitzgerald, all of the other electrical goods will return and again be recycled and the recycled furniture will return to Ballymun to be sold

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All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design

creating a garden at the smithfield festival ’09

Do you remember Urban Garden Smithfield that took place last year…?

There are a lot of elements involved in it. But from my point of view…. it’s obviously got to to be about gardens.

This year it going to be a little different.

This year I’m building a garden. Of sorts. 😉

I can’t really tell you what it’s going to look like when it’s complete.

But I can tell you some of the specific elements it will involve.

First up…. I’m gonna take some of the ‘waste’ you would find here…

Second… I’m going to use some plants supplied by a good friend of mine…

Then I’m going work quite closely with the lovely people from here….

Before you ask…. sometimes I even wonder what goes on in that head of mine 😆

But… if it gets people thinking about ‘waste’ and it makes you smile… it can’t all be bad?

When is this all taking place….

This Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th August ’09 in Smithfield square. I’ll put more information up on this weblog when I get the full details.

it’s also a free event.

Why not drop along and say hello 😉

More details on the day at website