All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Courrier Picard: Jardin, Historial de la Grande Guerre, Péronne

Peter Donnegan (Donegan) in front of the garden plan that will be erected at the foot of the castle. We guess the location of the 4 towers and the bridge.

As reported in the French newspaper, Courrier Picard,

For you, like me who has not the greatest abilities to translate, below a not perfect but enough to understand what was reported.

A Garden of peace at the foot of the Historial de Péronne, at the beginning.

The moats of the castle of Péronne will soon welcome a garden of peace on the theme of Ireland.

By The Picard Courier | Posted on 09/07/2018

All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design

Design: Gardens of Peace, Péronne, France

Launching October 2018, this summer will commence the build of the Jardins de la Paix (Gardens of Peace), a series of perennial gardens on the theme of peace in the Hauts-de-France region that will pay tribute to the countless deaths on French soil between 1914 and 1918, and bear witness to the number and diversity of the countries involved in this conflict.

Update: 9th November 2018 – 
Garden Complete: Jardin, Historial de la Grande Guerre

One of the gardens will be created at the Chateau de Perrone, Historial de la Grande Guerre in the Somme region of Northern France and will be created in the moat of the castle and its build realised by Dublin based garden designer Peter Donegan.

Peter Donegan, selected by the French jury to represent Ireland is one of just 14 international garden designers chosen to create one of the 9 gardens.

Below, a short video of where the garden will be created.

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Age Action Ireland, Bank of Ireland, Back Yard Blitz 2017

This summer 2017, the Age Action Ireland and Bank of Ireland Back Yard Blitz took place.

According to Age Action:

The gardening bonanza matches up bank employees with local older people who need a bit of help keeping their gardens maintained.

And over 2 days note BITC

Over 300 Bank of Ireland colleagues, Age Action teams and gardening experts mobilised in Dublin, Cork and Galway to mow the lawns, trim the hedges and generally brighten up the gardens, and the lives, of hundreds of older people.

All Posts Garden Talks and Events with Peter Donegan

Garden Design Talks Peter Donegan, Blarney Castle, Blarney in Bloom 2017

garden speaker, peter donegan

This July I will be speaking at Blarney Castle and Gardens at the very amazing Blarney in Bloom Festival.

  • When: Sunday 9 July, 2017
  • Where: Blarney Castle and Gardens
  • What: Blarney in Bloom
  • Cost: 8 euro. Inc’s admission to the Castle and Gardens

What will you be talking about :

All Posts Garden Talks and Events with Peter Donegan

Garden Workshop: Container and Kitchen Gardening, Thyme and Place, Salt Lake City

Sunday 19th March 2017.

During my time in Salt Lake City, (more on that when I catch my breath) I gave two courses at boutique garden store Thyme and Place, Utah.

The first on container gardening took re-purposed wooden boxes, sponsored by Barebones Living and turned them into, in short, miniature gardens. From how to care for plants and keep them alive to the actual design technique and piecing the selcted plants together to create a stunning display.

The second class I gave was on growing your own kitchen garden. Specifically aimed at those who had as some may call it, a brown thumb. The basics covered, watering and capillary action (sounds technical, but it’s not explained right) – all the way through to seed grermination and potting on.

Class Description: