On Sunday I arrived back to find a little parcel of onion sets – and some garlic sets – both of the same family [allium] anyway, had been dropped at my door.
I’ve spoke here about onions and garlic before, but for me its massively important as it marks the start of the growing and planting season. Some say that
…it must be too cold to be doing anything in the garden
I say take this advice at your very own peril. If, you wish to have some produce within the next couple of weeks then now – as versus in hindsight is the time to start spending 20 minutes or so in the great outdoors.
And you really can’t get anything simpler to start with. I’ve planted mine in large window boxes and tubs and dropped them at the back door of my house.
How Do You Do It…?
- Last week [as the podcast would have told you… π ] I cleaned out my planters.
- I replaced just the top 6 inches of compost and added in some new stuff
- Give the soil a light firm down and even it out
- [image 1 above left] Place out your sets just so you can see them laid out…
- Happy ?
- make a hole to the left of it with your finger tip
- Then tip each your onion set in so its just below surface level
- And brush some soil over to cover them in
- I didnt water the soil – but if you must, do so before you pop your sets in
- easy peezy chalky cheezy
- any hassles just leave a comment
- About 6 inches apart for both garlic and onions
And now all you have to do is wait….
Why did I plant mine in pots ? Honestly, most people I know do it this way because they haven’t and aren’t going to turn their entire gardens to allotments and become farmers. If you only want to spend 20 minutes in the garden then this should be right up your street.
Remember about 10 should be enough for a large window box.
Like I said above, the same rules apply for garlic. And they are, in very simple terms, just sisters from the same family.
In a couple of weeks you should be doing a bit of this… π