All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Fingal Independent – July 6th 2011

For those who have asked…. Despite the media report [below] I still own my lawnmower. Also, I still use it and didn’t trade it in. I am still a gardener, landscaper, garden designer or anything else that maybe describe one who works with plants.

Nonetheless, The fingal Independent did write this piece this week 😉

Donegan’s gardening radio show sparks rave reviews

By Robin KIELY

Wednesday July 06 2011

HE’S more used to hedgerows than headphones, but now a Fingal gardener has turned over a new leaf on the airwaves.

Award-winning landscaper, Peter Donegan, has traded in his mower for a microphone, fronting a weekly gardening radio show, which has drawn rave reviews.

Indeed, so popular is the ‘ Sod Show’ podcast that it regularly beats off competition from a host of international stations and programmes in the download charts.

Airing live on Dublin City FM every Friday, the Ballyboughal native aims to open up the world of gardening to everyone, mixing expert guests with local enthusiasts and businesses.

‘I’ve been doing the podcast on its own for about a year and the Sod Show has been on radio nearly six months,’ Peter explained.

‘We do it live and then it goes straight to a podcast on iTunes. It’s got a happy vibe and is a feelgood gardening radio show.

‘It’s for people who like the great outdoors. Brian Greene, who has 20 years of radio experience behind him does the sound and audio.

‘We’ve done a couple of good specials. We have Jane Powers on, who writes for the Irish Times, and we had the guy who grew shamrock for Barack Obama.

‘We’ve also had locals on. Ann Lynch from Ballyboughal Hedgerow Society was on, as was Phillip Murtagh who was talking about making elder flower champagne, both from Ballyboughal.

‘We’re aiming to make gardening and the show a fun place to be and it seems to be working well.’

A glance at the download charts on iTunes certainly emphasises that fact, where the Sod Show’s podcast regularly claims the number one berth in the ‘outdoor’ category.

What’s even more impressive is its standings in the ‘sport and recreation’ section, where it’s pulling in more hits than the likes of gardening shows on BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio Ulster and Sky Sport’s ‘Sunday Supplement’ podcast.

‘It’s phenomenal really,’ Peter reflected. ‘It’s important to recognise the amount of work being done locally in Ballyboughal and it’s nice to be able to get that out on the airwaves.

‘ We’re mixing local guest with nationally and internationally known guests. The show really is open to everyone.’

It’s another chapter in an impressive story for Peter, who celebrates 10 years in business this year and he’s still as busy as ever.

He passed on his knowledge at a number of talks with Fingal Libraries earlier this year and addressed 250 people on the benefits of podcasting at a recent south Dublin event.

And on the gardening front, he spent the weekend demonstrating garden displays in the middle of the city centre, as part of an urban living event in Wolfe Tone Park.

-The Sod Show is broadcast every Friday at 3pm on Dublin City FM.

– Robin KIELY

All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Irish Mail On Sunday 23rd May 2010

Yesterday, Eugene Higgins of The Irish Mail On Sunday did a great Piece on The Garden Group with the tagline How a Bloom maverick is taking bloggers on tours of our ‘secret’ gardens and titled it A www.walk on the wild side

The main picture is of Dena [@curlydena], Mom Vena [@VenaW] and Dad Andrew Walker. [And to think I spent so long brushing my hair that day 😀 ] The other two images are courtesy Jennifer Farley Photography [@laughing_lion]. I’ve asked Eugene for the main text of the piece and will post it below as soon as I get it. For now…..

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Irish Independent March 3rd 2010


Wednesday 3rd March was a nice day. I’d had a really great chat with Susan Daly over the phone last week and awoke to a clatter of texts and messages all singing Carly Simon on the answering machine 😉 Great to have humorous friends…

I must say it is a great article. Extremely well written by Susan and it was an absolute honour to speak with her. One of life’s really nice people.

For those that didn’t get to do so, one can read the article in full here. Apart from a sexy gardener erm….. 😆 also featured are two more of lifes really nice people kieran Murphy and Pat O’Mahony.

Thanks also to John Mc Williams for the photograph used above.

‘People ask why I don’t charge for my expertise — where’s the fun in that?

Wednesday March 03 2010

“I’m not stupid with the euro in my pocket, but some of the things I most enjoy I do for free. “Recently I took a group of people around the war memorial gardens in Islandbridge. “My wife made country apple pie and we had coffee in flasks, and we have another trip coming up to Ireland’s Eye. “But what people kept bouncing back to me afterwards was: Why didn’t you charge for it?

“I don’t get that. I competed at the Irish Conker Championships last year just for fun. “It’s like I won’t put a shop on my blog (, because that’s not why I do it.

“I’d say 50pc of the phone calls I get are for free gardening advice, and I’ve been on the garden side of things on the Niall Mellon trips. “I’m going to sound like a martyr, but for me, it’s just not the point of life to always have to tie in everything you do to paying the bills.”

All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

bloom 2008 – the pr & media list…

bloom 2008 pour l'amour de jeux

Bloom 2008 – ‘Pour L’amour de Jeux’

The entire pink boat story can be read here. My reason for publishing this… I/ we need a sponsor! If you think you can help or know anyone who can – please do not hesitate to contact me.

Many Thanks


for bloom 2007 pr/ media list click here


Electric Picnic

29th, 30th, 31st August The ‘Pink Boat’ now a main feature at the music festival and part of the art trail.


26th March Fingal Independent
1/3 page article titled ‘Sponsor needed for Peter’s dream garden’ and two photos, one of Peter and one of last years entry ‘No Rubber Soul’. Mentioning the theme for Bloom 2008, winning two ALCI Awards for Brackenstown House and the support from local businesses.

29th May Irish Examiner
½ page photo titled ‘Blooming Brilliant’ on the back page of Peter Donegan within the garden.

30th MayThe Star
half page photograph

30th May Irish Examiner
1/3 page article titled ‘Something for all at Bloom flower show’ and small photo of Peter Donegan and 2 models at the official opening of Bloom.

5th June Country Mix 106.8

– Peter begin interviewed by Lynsey Dolan with Dominic Loughran

RTE 2FM – with Rick O’Shea, speaking about what to do with the ‘pink boat’ from Bloom 2008

6th June
RTE 2FM – with Rick O’Shea, speaking about the ‘pink boat’ and that Electic Picnic have taken it.


May/ June Issue Garden Heaven Magazine
half page photograph

July 2008 Bloemen en Planten [netherlands]
half page photograph

Autumn 2008 Issue Self Build Magazine
Photo of ‘Pour L’amour de Jeux’ features within Peter Donegan’s article.

October/November 2008 Diarmuid Gavin’s Garden Designs
Photo front and back of the ‘Thank You’ postcard sent after Bloom. And a note from Diarmuid expressing what a nice idea.


All weblog posts here

to view the pr/ media list for Bloom 2007 click here

and of course there was this…

All Posts Peter Donegan in the Media

Bloom 2007 – PR & Media List…

peter donegan landscaping, irish times, bloom garden

Bloom 2007 – ‘No Rubber Soul’

The Morris Minor Car-den story can be read here. My reason for publishing this… I/ we need a sponsor! If you think you can help or know anyone who can – please do not hesitate to contact me.

Click here for Bloom 2008 information.

Many Thanks



17th May RTE ‘Capital D’
To view documentary – see below
7 minute documentary on Peter Donegan and his design ‘No Rubber Soul’, for Bloom 2007

29th May/1st June TV3 ‘Ireland AM’
Full coverage of ‘No Rubber Soul’ and interviews with Peter Donegan over 3 days before the opening of Bloom.

29th May/1st June TV3 ‘News’
Full coverage of ‘No Rubber Soul’ and interviews with Peter Donegan over 3 days before the opening of Bloom.

Australian Television – Garden Gurus
The Gurus Explore Ireland – CD enclosed Broadcast after Bloom

14th March Fingal Independent
1/3 page article titled ‘Peter set to compete for top garden prize’ and photo.  Mentioning the preparation for Bloom, winning an ALCI Award for a 55 acre garden and the Bord Bia Quality programme Award.

21st March Fingal Independent
½ page article titled ‘Hopes high for bloomin’ great garden show result’ and photo of Peter Donegan, RTE’s Gerry Daly, top designers Paul Martin and Elma Fenton and TV gardener Eugene Higgins.

16th May Fingal Independent
1/3 page article titled ‘Peter has area in bloom’ and photo of Peter Donegan
Mentioning his appearance on RTE’s Capital D, containing full coverage of preparations for Bloom 2007.

26th May The Farmers Journal
Article on Bloom featuring photo of Angela Kennedy, Chairperson, Bord Bia and Gary Graham, Bloom Project Manager, Bord Bia in the ‘No Rubber Soul’ Garden.  Also featuring a mention of Peter Donegan’s exhibit not to be missed on the back page.

30th May The Irish Times
½ page article titled ‘Garden show aims to become an Irish Chelsea’ featured on Page 3 mentioning No Rubber Soul and picture of Peter within the garden.

31st May The Irish Examiner
½ page photo titled ‘Bloomin’ good show’ on back page, of Peter Donegan  under the bonnet of the Morris Minor.

31st May The Irish Examiner – Farming section
½ page article titled ‘Gardeners can showcase at home’ mentioning No Rubber Soul and featuring photo of Angela Kennedy, Chairperson, Bord Bia and Gary Graham, Bloom Project Manager, Bord Bia in the ‘No Rubber Soul’ Garden.

31st May The Evening Herald
¼ page article titled ‘Bloomin’ Marvellous’ mentioning Morris Minor and photo of Angela Kennedy, Chairperson, Bord Bia and Gary Graham, Bloom Project Manager, Bord Bia in the ‘No Rubber Soul’ Garden

31st May The Irish Daily Mail
Full page article titled ‘A graffiti-covered wall, an old car – if this is our answer to Chelsea Flower Show, can we have the question again?’ on Bloom featuring interview with Peter Donegan and photo of Peter adding the last few finishing touches to ‘No Rubber Soul’.

7th June Lá Nua
½ page article titled ‘An Earnáil Ghnó – Fógraíocht’ mentioning that on the opening day of Bloom, 1st June, Peter Donegan Landscaping Ltd also received an Award from Foras na Gaeilge joining Barr 50, the top 50 companies to operate through the Irish language.  Also featuring 2 photos of the garden.

13th June Fingal Independent
1/3 page article titled ‘Peter’s Morris is a major success’ including photo.  Mentioning receiving a silver medal in the large garden category and joining Barr 50.

18th August Farmers Journal
½ page article titled ‘Minor to Major via Sergeant’ featuring interview with Peter and mentioning the Award winning garden in Bloom, winning an ALCI Award for a 55 acre garden and two photos of ‘No Rubber Soul’.

24th May-June 14th    Property Gallery- Issue No. 5
2 page article title ‘The art of landscape’ on ‘No Rubber Soul’ including 13 photos and biography of Peter Donegan.

May Issue Moving In
Paragraph mentioning Peter Donegan and details of his design ‘No Rubber Soul’

June/July Issue Irish Homes
Paragraph mentioning Peter Donegan and details of his design ‘No Rubber Soul’


to view the pr/ media list for Bloom 2008 click here

…and of course there was this