All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design

Back Garden Landscaping, Fingal, Dublin

It’s a funny one with landscaping small-er spaces. Because I guess, from a personal perspective; and I know, that it may sound a little selfish, but you essentially end up with one visual of an end result.

In this case, on the one part that comes partly down to client brief. The other reason is that it is down to not so much size, but more the dimensions of the new to be garden and that is something I cannot change. Here however there was an added whammy or a deduction to be taken from the budget.

Because prior to my getting there the space inherited was a grey, gley, bland wilderness of a deforestation programme that had then evolved in to something really terribly horrible, horticulturally. Is that even even correct english ? I wanted to scream very, very quietly at the ‘soil’. Or use a kango hammer on it. Riddled with Ash tree stumplings; all covered over with a sprinkling of grey slate shale, just in case you needed a little more inspiration in life. It was a garden according to the client in which they [quote] had never sat at their own patio table and chairs.

The story does get better….