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The Garden Groups Hedgrow Walk


Todays outing, the fifth for the [Peter Donegan Weblog] garden group, took place today in my own home town of Ballyboughal. Today was the turn for the Hedgerow Walk better know as the Slí na Sceacha.

It did take place I do admit with about a weeks notice, which is a little short. There were enquiries to know if we could do it again when it comes to fruiting season, so if you missed out, don’t worry, just ask me when the next garden group outing is on.

A huge thanks to todays guide Ann Lynch and also to you for coming along. I wouldn’t swap the great outdoors for the world. It is as always made so much more enjoyable however when the experience is shared. Love it !


A full interview with Ann Lynch, Hedgerow Society Secretary can be heard on Fridays SodShow.
