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IIA net visionary awards…


Tonight the Irish Internet Association Net Visionary Awards 2009 take place.

I have been shortlisted.

For me that is huge. In fact when I first heard, this is what I thought [click here]. But… I am a horticuluralist. And this is why I blog. *Anything* that comes after that is an added bonus 🙂 If it where a garden…. I may think different. For the moment I’m just happy to be on a list.

And just look at the others shortlisted…. I still don’t know how I even got there…..

Aedan Ryan:
Damien Mulley: Mulley Communications
Kieran Murphy: Murphy’s Ice Cream
Maryrose Lyons: Brightspark Consulting
Peter Donegan: Peter Donegan Landscaping

That said, for no apparent reason, I won’t be able to attend tonights function. But for whoever you are out there that did nominate, shortlist, or however it works, get me to the last five… thank you. It really is [more than you realise] an absolute honour. Have a great night and in advance congratulations to you all.

And don’t forget it is not a black tie event…. 😆

UPDATE: 21st May ’09:

huge congratulations to damien mulley and mulley communications for winning this award. Bulaidh bós mór Damien.

All award winners can be viewed at the Irish Internet Associations website

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President Mary McAleese

peter donegan garden design and president of ireland mary mc aleese

This was in June during Bloom 2008 with my garden Pour L’amour de Jeux. On the official opening day The President, her husband Dr Martin and entourage came by and stopped at my garden for a chat.

peter donegan, dr martin & president of ireland mary mc aleese
peter donegan, dr martin & president of ireland mary mc aleese
peter donegan, dr martin & president of ireland mary mc aleese
All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design

giving berth to pour l’amour de jeux – bloom 2008 [8]


This morning at 5.45 am after 11 long hours labour, Pour L’amour de Jeux finally gave berth to a 7 tonne, 11 metre long Pink Boat in the Phoenix Park Dublin.

With amazing help from John Farrell, John Friel, Whittens Road Haulage, The Garda Suíochana, Maura Hickey, Colin Browne and Gráinne Walker; this journey was finally made possible. If I have left anybody out it is because none of us have slept since finishing loading at 12.30am and arriving back to depart at 3.30am!! But it must be known the real journey started a long time ago.

…and so what started as a child like dream has been given berth and here another story begins. Today, some laughed, some smiled and some pondered; But whatever this story [ultimately the garden], brings to you, it was built only pour l’amour de jeux [for a love of the game] and no matter the size of your smile when you see it complete – this amazing journey if nothing else, has left me in no doubt regarding the amazing people and the genius minds I work and spend so much time with. Thank you all [it’s not over just yet], but it’s certainly a little easier….

All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design

bloom 2008 [2] – the boat

pour l'amour de jeux - the boat garden

yesterday was not the most usual of days in my horticultural career! This 1957, 33 foot, 7 tonne boat is the model Royal Cruiser IV that will be used in Bloom 2008, the garden show extravaganza in the Phoenix Park this June Bank Holiday weekend.

It took 7 men, a 30 tonne specialist marine transporter and 6 hours to lift and move it 6 km. Working with me on the boat will be John Friel and his team who also who rebuilt the morris minor for last years garden.

we got a lot of strange looks when word went out that this was the boat for our show garden but.. maybe ‘show’ gardens should be just that….


All Posts Gardens by Peter Donegan Garden Design

Bloom 2008 – Pour L’amour de Jeux

This was the bio given to my show garden entry before it was built…


Without a main sponsor….. Peter Donegan’s design, titled ‘Pour L’amour de Jeux’ is a garden whose title and theme was chosen on the basis of a Designers desire to build and design ‘dream’ gardens because of a love of the game.

With modern pressures and taken for granted hectic lifestyles this garden is a micro-haven paradise designed and built with pure passion to show that dreamers do exist and that those dreams however illogic can become reality. If life is what you enjoy, then this garden is what you will love, our entry for Bloom 2008

When asked so many times throughout Bloom 2007, why one would design a show garden as was ‘No Rubber – Soul’; it seemed incomprehensible to some, yet to others put simply it was for ‘a love of the game’ the only reason why Peter Donegan and his team built such a garden. It seemed therefore quite an appropriate name for this garden.

A garden that is fully recycled or recyclable the main feature… comprises a 33ft 1957, pink, three story pleasure cruise boat named ‘Mo Chailín Cáitlín’. The garden is surrounded by water, a slightly raised recycled timber and lawn combined marina, and natures finest planting. The finshing touch is a hand sculpted piece by Patrick Campbell.

And so the question still remains… would you sponsor a show garden?

With thanks to: