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Nominated For The Irish Blog Awards 2010

Last year this weblog was nominated for the irish blog awards 2009. And this year somebody nominated this green blog again 😉

As you are most likely well aware there is a long way to go and so I shall [appropriately] quote myself from last year once again…

That said – awards or not, it is because of *you* that I write and to be simply nominated is reason enough for me to smile

To quote The Awards Blog

please thank the sponsors for once again investing in the Blog Awards and making it happen. Why not link to them and thank? Please congratulate your felllow nominees and read some of the many new blogs that have come along this year and tell others of them.

And so I say, thank you to the IBA10 team of organisers judges and behind the scenes, all of the sponsors and in this case iQ Content. Also as Damien says and rightly so, to the so many amazing blogs in this list a virtual ‘pat on the back‘.

Take a leaf through…. there’s certainly a lot of amazing blogs and people in there. 🙂

Best Specialist Blog

– Sponsored by iQ Content

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St Patricks Park, Dublin


I had been to St Patricks Park before. Just never with camera in hand and an eye on reviewing it. There is a difference.

But I love this park. I like the personal touch to it – the signs of which are, literally, everywhere.

Of particular note *and something that makes the park so very beautiful are the little ode’s to those [possibly surpising] who knew the park so well [as versus political heads who never really went there at all]. One of those is to Tom Keegan, a previous head gardener and he is just one of many.

I like the layout. The park is well maintained. People in there seemed relaxed and the pace of life on entering somehow seems to slow motion slightly.

There’s an unusual mix of old and new…. but it is funny that one wouldn’t be so aware which parts are the more modern. Add to that a fine backdrop of the Cathedral and the fact that the rails between have been left ‘not blocked off’.

It was only last week when I visited here [early Feb], whilst there were minor changes and touches that I may add, the reality is it is one of Dublins better parks.

Two things. First, this is the second mention I have given to the river poddle and [secondly] Nice to see the Lord Iveagh touch here again…. makes me want to say thanks to the chap for such a fine legacy that he has certainly left behind.

Go take a look, bring the coffee, relax and enjoy. Well worth the trip.

According to Dublin City Councils website

Situated beside St. Patrick’s Cathedral, tradition has it that St. Patrick baptised the first Irish Christians there with water from the River Poddle which flows underground.  Developed by Lord Iveagh under the St. Patrick’s Park Act of 1897, work was completed by July 1904 to a layout by Arthur Dudgeon C.E., dated 17th July 1901.  Lord Iveagh continued to maintain the park for a number of years under a joint arrangement with the Corporation who eventually took full responsibility in the 1920’s.

The park provides an ideal setting for the cathedral and recent additions in 1988 include a Literary Parade highlighting the works of Swift, Mangan, Wilde, Shaw, Yeats, Synge, O’Casey, Joyce, Behan, Beckett, Clarke, Dillon and the Liberty Bell Sculpture. There is also a childrens playground.

View more images of St Patricks Park

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2009 A Good Year ….?

I did do a review of the year 2008. But it’s onwards and upward and whilst we head into 2010… here’s a look back on the last 12 months of 2009.

*If I missed or forgot something or someone – just hollar and I will ammend as soon as possible 😉

  • December was kicked off with the Carbon Neutral Revolution and Trim 2025

Whilst I flicked through my diary and realised just how much I actually had done… it should be noted that none of this would make any sense without someone to share the stories, the laughter and equally the tears with. I am forever greatful to the so many great friends and people I have met along this years road. Thank you. 🙂

Did I enjoy it? Every second. Don’t get me wrong… no road is an easy an easy one especially when I work in an industry that is so weather dependant and I am self employed. That is not a complaint…. more an additional reason to appreciate the people who stand tall by my side when time are tougher and there too when we laugh our socks off.

Go raibh míle maith agaibh. Nollaig Shona duit. Slán agus beannacht.

Thank you again, for everything.

*View the statistics for Peter Donegan Landscaping Weblog

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An Interview with Green Party Senator Dan Boyle

...with Dan

I’ve had my run ins with the Green Party. No secret there… [a quick search in the blog will help you there if you’re interested 😉 ]

But when I reviewed the latest Irish budget… I asked would any politician like to meet and have a chat… credit where it’s due… Dan responded and answered yes.

Before I go any further may I just thank Dan Boyle for his time. Whatever the answers to my questions [and whether you agree or not] he was the only politician in Ireland to stand up and accept….

Today I went into Leinster House and met Dan – I put the following points to him:

  • €1.7 million spend on forestry in the december budget
  • wind turbines
  • carbon credits
  • copenhagen
  • is deidre de burca going to europe ?
  • do you know Anto ?
  • how green is dan boyle ?
  • do you know the ward hunt?
  • why are they unhappy with the green party?
  • if dan boyle could change one thing in politics?
  • what does dan boyle want for Christmas?

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The Niall Mellon Table Quiz

I’d noted the Niall Mellon Township Table quiz here.

Was it a good night……. It was cracking!! Made only more special by you.

Firstly, It is not without my good friend Ciarán and Jackie my youger sister that this would have taken place. After that a huge thanks to Michael Nugent who acted as quizmaster to the sponsors and to YOU who supported me by turning up or by simply picking up the phone and wishing well.

Thank you all. It is so very sincerely appreciated.

Some wonder why I do what I do… why I do some of the more unusual things in my life…. to be very honest… it puts it all in perspective every time I watch the video. Thank you. 😉

Should I go back next year…..? What do you think…?

*more images here

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