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loudervoice… technology for a gardener #6

The entire list of companies for ‘technology for a gardener’ is/will be here.

i_love_loudervoice_130This is piece #6. This is Loudervoice.

In a few words, loudervoice is… it’s slogan is very aptlty ‘your voice – your review’. It is also 100% Irish owned, managed and run. I like guaranteed Irish. I like this product. So much so, I have embedded the logo [left] on the front page of my blog.

I like to review garden ‘stuff’. I’m the only ‘green’ reviewer that I know of. You can see all of my reviews on loudervoice here. I also like if I want to go to a restaurant… it’s all there. Go take a peek…

Funny thing is ‘they’ [the loudervoice crew] don’t really do anything… ish! You do. But for me, in ‘garden’ terms – it means if I visit a park and I like it… people more than normal will hear of the praise – however if there is a park that is lacking a lot – then somebody hears about it – I have I suppose a louder-voice!

From my extensive research… The company that manages & owns loudervoice is Argolon. About loudervoice they say:

In 2006 we also decided to build a new service called LouderVoice which would leverage our expertise. The aim of LouderVoice is to bring consumers and businesses closer together. Our recently launched API enables businesses to embed review display/writing functionality on their own site whilst having all those reviews accessible on LouderVoice too. SMS reviews can also be used as a customer feedback mechanism and we offer a variety of services around these two offerings.

Similar to a lot of techie products I use, the tech-world [hmmm?] is very aware of them but – the people I pal around with wouldn’t. And whilst it has of course been reviewed before I once again get asked why I use this service. The reason why I am reviewing it. The reviewee review the reviewer… ?

The good thing about loudervoice that I like – is that once I’m signed up – I dont need to do anything amazing. As I write my blog posts I add *review* and *rating=5* [or 1-5] in the tagline and it appears on loudervoice. I now with even noticing really have done 33 reviews and I’ve only been a member since August 2008. This will be review 34 😆

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