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Anne O’Hara – Mornington House


This morning I had the absolute honour to speak with Anne O’Hara, wife of Warwick O’Hara – who reside at Mornington House Co. Westmeath.

Whilst there has been a house at Mornington since the early 17th century, it has been home to The O’Hara family since 1858. Steeped in history, this is to date, for me one of the most intriguing and most most probably the easiest and finest interviews I have ever done, in my life.

As a podcast the final audio result is a little rough-er around the frills than I would have liked, but for me the content in this case is what makes it so very special. That said, as best as was feasibly possible I have left it unedited almost in its entirety – mainly as I simply loved, personally, listening to almost every second of it over and over again.

I laughed, smiled and almost cried, with laughter in some cases as Anne spoke quite frankly and passionately about her and Warwicks home. What you did not have the honour of was the almost 40 minute conversation that took place prior to this audio from which I intended to take some notes. Surprising, possibly, I took none and simply listened and smiled.

Links to Mornington House

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Repak Recycle Week 2010

Repak Recycling Week kicks off today Monday October 4th with a focus on Recycling in the Office. Last year you may remember I built a garden [of sorts] with Repak to launch the 2009 Repak Recycle Week.

This year, they have chosen a slightly different route and will be teaming up with The SodcastThe loudest gardening podcast in the world – as podcast sponsors for the month of October.

Today I had a chat with Darrell Crowe of Repak to get a little bit more of an insight into just why and what they had done that little bit different this year.

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Water Conservation

Today I discovered some of plant collection had been, put simply, close on fried. It’s rare for me to complain about the weather…. but here’s my situation.

For gardens that are new, or newly planted [Hi Julie and Terry 😉 ],for best results and knowing that the hose must be used…. try water at night time. It ensures the plant isn’t competing with the sun for water intake and therefore gets the maximum return from the watering and your time in doing so. Also one may find the water, combined with the days sun can act like a magnifying glass of sorts and cook the leaves slightly.

When these water charges do come in – the county councils will most likely up the price of those water butts too. My advice get one what you can sooner.

If however it is newly selected areas of planting, you may find that the water butts are an option to be considered.

As always you can rss the podcasts via iTunes or direct via audioboo or you subscribe to the blog and listen to them right here.

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