It is an absolute wonderful feeling when I…. and yup I’ve said something along these lines many times before I’m sure…. have a picture in my head of how something will turn out horticulturally, of the future. And then you, I in this case, buy a De Lorean get to the future and it looks even better.
Is that a bit like baking a cake ? I dunno. Maybe it’s just that these babies, the trees that is, aren’t really one of them that you find sitting on the shelf at your local garden centre superstore. In context, to say I was over precious about these 35 cm girth absolute stunners, is an understatement.
If memory serves correctly, the landscaping here would have been done around Autumn 2008. In to do a little maintenance and almost 5 year later, it was really great to see the place again. Of note the quite simple but tasty planting scheme comprises but four plants names.
- Gleditsia triacanthos Sunburst
- Lavandula hidcote
- Lavandula munstead
- Parthenocissus tricuspidata
The bit I personally love, is at night time and the up-lights that shadow to and fro as they move in the wind.
This photo below as a by the way from 2009.
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Peter Donegan:
- email:
- phone: +353(87)6594688
- twitter: @DoneganGardens
- facebook: DoneganLandscaping