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thank you so very much…


Recently, very recently, we did a garden for an amazing client. Sincerely – simply a genuine and very appreciative all round lovely lady. I’m not saying all clients aren’t lovely… [you all are!] but as a garden designer, landscape gardener and the man who is entrusted with the creation of something breautiful for you… The pressure is on. Put there by yours truly [me just to clarify], of course. But then then I always did take it personal. I should. It is to be your great outdoors.


Some say I shop for plants like a bride trying to find that perfect wedding dress. Some say I’m the perfect man to hug your plants when they’re a little down. But I guess I simply love what I do. I always did love what it is I do. I am, I guess a loving gardener. I’m also 99% of the time genuinely a very happy person 🙂 I appreciate the simpler things in life. Simple like hello, goodbye and thank you – as the basics.

I also love the more free simplicities of life like walking – be guaranteed that’s generally in a park somewhere; which you may say, are still of a horticultural nature [search ‘park’ in my blog see what you get!]. I just love my life outdoors.

Outside of gardening I dont really have much of a life. That’s not a complaint. I suppose, it is how I like it. It is my hobby, my dream come true and my passion. I write it. I eat writing it. Sometimes, I even wake up in the middle of the night and jot down my doodles and thoughts about it. Then I go back to sleep. On my holidays – I visted two parks. It’s all I could find 🙁

What I am trying to say, I guess is that because of the very simplistic kindness of one lady [and so many others in the past], I was compelled, inspired and urged to thank you [all] for allowing me to do what it is I really love doing – in your gardens.


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